Empowering change in clinical research: The 11th Annual Patients as Partners Summit 2024, featuring COUCH Health 

The 11th Annual Patients as Partners Summit 2024, featuring COUCH Health 
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September 23, 2024

Patients as Partners in Clinical Research Summit is a unique convergence where the worlds of pharma, solution providers, community organisations and patients unite to explore the transformative impact of patient involvement in clinical research. This year, the summit, proudly sponsored for the fourth consecutive year by COUCH Health, marks its 11th edition. It’s set to unfold from March 20-22, 2024, at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, nestled in the heart of Philadelphia. 

COUCH Health isn’t just a sponsor; we are a driving force in the summit’s agenda. We will be hosting two pivotal sessions, adding a depth of expertise and insight to the event. The first session will be a panel led by Ash Rishi, CEO of COUCH Health. Titled “Community-based Organisations’ Insights into Enhancing Clinical Research Initiatives: Recommendations for Trial Sponsors,” this session promises to be an eye-opener. It will delve into the critical role of community-based organisations (CBOs) in clinical research, offering practical feedback on engaging with these vital groups. This session is a must-attend for anyone interested in understanding how pharma, sites, and other stakeholders can enhance their inclusivity efforts. Key takeaways from this session will include: 

  • Deep insights into the challenges diverse patient groups face in accessing clinical trials. 
  • Strategies for building meaningful connections at the community level. 
  • Tailored approaches for engaging with different communities. 
  • Effective methods for disseminating crucial information within diverse communities, thereby raising general awareness about clinical trials. 

In addition to the insightful session led by Ash Rishi on community-based organisations, COUCH Health is also presenting a crucially important interactive panel titled “How to Tackle Implicit Bias in Clinical Research.” Ash Rishi, alongside Heidi Green, Director of Health Research Equity, will guide this session. It’s an eye-opening exploration into the often-overlooked issue of implicit bias in clinical research, which can lead to systematic errors and distort study outcomes. This bias is particularly detrimental in terms of the under-representation of diverse populations in clinical trials. 

This interactive panel will provide attendees with a hands-on experience. You’ll work in small groups to identify the various stages where bias can infiltrate patient involvement in clinical research. The goal is to create actionable solutions that can be implemented in your own studies. This session is not just about learning; it’s about doing. Attendees will have the opportunity to: 

  • Reflect upon your own biases and the impact these have on clinical trials. 
  • Experience first-hand the biases that affect a patient’s involvement in clinical trials. 
  • Gain actionable strategies that can be implemented into your own studies, enhancing their inclusivity and accuracy. 

Alongside these sessions, the summit will cover a rich tapestry of themes reshaping the landscape of clinical research. Engage in deep discussions on Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, and stay abreast of the latest FDA Regulatory Updates. Discover how to breathe life into Patient Engagement, measure its impact effectively, and understand the significance of Early Patient Engagement. Explore the dynamic world of DCTs, Digital Health, and Data Return, and enhance your understanding of Digital Health Literacy. Gain invaluable insights from Sites & Community-based Organisations and participate in Patient Feedback & Patient-led Sessions. 

The summit also boasts an impressive line-up of Keynotes and VIP Speakers, each a luminary in their field. Hear from Irisaida Mendez, a passionate Patient Advocate, and Dr. Ifeyinwa (Ify) Osunkwo, the esteemed Chief Patient Officer at Novo Nordisk Rare Disease. Gain perspectives from Bari Kowal, SVP at Regeneron, and Linda Moir, who has led event services at Virgin Atlantic and the London Olympics. And don’t miss insights from Kenneth Getz, Executive Director and Professor at Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. 

For more information and to be a part of this transformative experience, visit Patients as Partners Conference.  

Join us in shaping a future where patients are not just participants, but partners in clinical research, with COUCH Health leading the way in fostering inclusive and effective community engagement and tackling implicit biases in clinical research. 

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